- Introduction
- Authentication Method Types
- Creating and Editing Auth Methods from the List View
- Create a New Authentication Method
- Assigning an Authentication Method to a Hotspot
- Applying Limits and Settings to an Auth Method
- Actions
- Privacy
- Download Data
- Special Settings
Authentication Methods are the ways in which end-users access an Encapto-powered Wi-Fi network. Encapto enables the setting up of many different Auth Methods, which can be run alone or concurrently on a Wi-Fi network, each with its own speed, time and data restrictions. This document shows how to set up Auth Methods and apply them to an Encapto-powered network.
The Auth Methods covered in this document use Encapto’s RADIUS user Access, Authentication, and Accounting (AAA) system, which uses web authentication. This involves the user being presented with a captive portal page on connection to the network where the user can select an Authentication Method and enter credentials (if required).
Encrypted access is a function of the WLAN itself. It can be configured directly in Encapto as part of the Interface settings on a Mikrotik device or via the WLAN management system for other systems.
Authentication Method Types
Encapto enables the creation and configuration of a range of end user authentication methods including:
Click and go (user agrees to terms and conditions and clicks button)
Passphrase (user enters a shared passphrase)
Social media (user connects by entering Social media credentials)
Email (user supplies an email address and completes a verification process)
Payment gateway (user supplies credit card details and is charged for connection)
Access code (creates a batch of unique passphrases)
User ID (user enters a Username and Password to connect)
SMS (user enters a mobile phone number and receives a verification code by SMS)
Tip: Other authentication methods, including Authentication via loyalty, membership and other databases are also available, but must be configured by Encapto technicians.
Creating and Editing Auth Methods from the List View
To view or edit current Authentication Methods or create new ones, access the Authentication List view: Log on to the Encapto Wi-Fi Cloud Deck and:
Click Authentication under VISITOR JOURNEYS.
Tip: this will bring up the Authentication Method List View. From here you can see all existing Auth Methods that are available on your account and perform various actions on them.
Search for Auth methods by name and/or tags.
Check the box next to one or more Authentication Methods, and:
Edit tags (this will become an Add tags option if multiple Auth Methods are selected).
Rename the Auth Method (only available for single selections).
Assign the Auth Method to one or more hotspots.
Duplicate the Auth Method (only available for single selections).
Click a link under ASSIGNED TO to edit the list of hotspots to which each Auth Method is assigned.
Click a link under DATA LIMIT to edit the Download data limit for each Auth Method.
Edit the Time Limit, Speed Limit and Redirect Settings for each Auth Method (not shown – you may need to scroll right to show these items).
Click the +New button to create a new Auth Method.
Tip: Click on any non-active area of an Authentication Method line item to edit all the details associated with that method.
Create a New Authentication Method
To create a new Authentication method, click the +New button as described at Step 6, in Section 3, above and select an Authentication Method type from the list.
General Auth Method Settings
On selecting an Authentication Method type, you will need to set its details. These will vary depending on the type being created.
Basic details on all Authentication types include Name, Tags, and Notes, which are used to locate and identify the Auth Method for administrative purposes, and Label and Instructions, which are displayed to end-users as they connect using the Auth Method.
For Click and go, Email, Access code, and User ID these are the only settings that need to be entered at this stage. For other Auth Method Types, special settings are required as detailed below.
Name, Tags and Notes
Each Auth Method must have a Name and optionally, Tags and Notes. These details are for administrative purposes and do not appear to end-users. The Names, Tags and Notes section appears at different points in the creation process depending on the type of Auth Method being created.
To create Name, Tags and Notes:
Give the Auth Method a Name.
Enter new or add existing tags to help locate the Method later on.
Add notes as required.
Click the Next > button.
Tip: Name, tags, and notes can be edited at any time via the Edit Details button of any Auth Method.
Label and Instructions
In addition, each Auth Method must have a Label and Instructions, which will appear to end-users as part of the logon journey. For each Auth Method, adding a Label and Instructions is the last part of the creation process.
Label and Instructions appear to end users as shown below.
To create an Auth Method Label and Instructions:
Type a Label.
Type Instructions.
Style the text using the buttons as required.
Tip: Label and Instructions can be edited at any time via CONTENT SETTINGS panel of the Limits and Settings tab of any Auth Method.
The Passphrase method includes a field for setting the passphrase to be used. Simply enter the passphrase in the field provided.
Social Media
Social media Auth Methods are used to enable seamless authentication for end users using their social media credentials, and insight into visitor demographics and interests for network owners.
IMPORTANT: to enable social media Authentication, certain Walled Garden domains must be configured on the hotspot that will use the Auth Method. For information on these, please refer to the Configuring Hotspots User Guide.
Creating Social media Auth Methods is a two-step process: A Social Media Gateway must first be created, followed by the Auth Method itself.
Create a Social Media Gateway
Each social media Auth Method in Encapto must have its own gateway, which cannot be changed once set. The gateway can use either your own app or Encapto’s inbuilt app for the selected social media service.
TIP: using separate gateway entities for each social media Auth method, in this way allows full control over the Auth method for those who have been granted access without affecting functionality for other users.
To create a Social Media Gateway:
Give the Gateway a Name.
Enter new or add existing tags to help locate the gateway later on.
Select the Social media service that the gateway will use.
- Microsoft Live
Select Use default Encapto app or Use your own app (See details below)
Click the Next > button.
Our App or Yours?
To enable a social media Auth Method, an App must be used on each social media platform, which is authorised to access end user data. Encapto comes with its own onboard app for each platform, or Encapto system users may use their own. The benefit of using your own app is that this can be branded to your own organisation. However, the benefits of this should be weighed against the time and effort required to create an app and gain approval for the data collection that it will enable from the platform.
Tip: A list of data available from each platform via the Encapto App is included in Appendix A to this document.
Where an app other than Encapto is used, you will be required to enter an App Key and an App Secret as part of the Auth method creation process.
Tip: Once set, the App used cannot be changed. To use a different App, you will need to create a new social media Auth Method.
Once the gateway is created, the Auth Method itself is given a name, tags and notes and a label and instructions must be added (see Section 4.1).
Payment Gateway
The Payment Gateway Auth Method enables network owners to charge end users for Wi-Fi access via their payment gateway account. Encapto is a secure, PCI-DSS compliant platform, which can accept payments using the following gateways:
- Advam
- Authorize.net
- Braintree
- Pesapal
Payflow Pro
Payments Pro
You will need to have a merchant account with one of these providers to set up a Payment gateway Auth Method in Encapto.
Setting up a Payment Gateway Auth Method is a two-step process: first, create or select an existing, gateway, then set up the Auth Method itself.
To set up a Payment gateway Auth Method select Payment Gateway as described at the beginning of Section 4 and then either:
Select Use an existing payment gateway, select a previously created gateway, click the Next > button and skip to step 9.
Select Create a new payment gateway.
Select a Payment gateway type from the dropdown menu.
Click the Next > button.
Name the Payment gateway for your admin purposes.
Tag the Payment gateway to help locate the item later.
Follow the instructions to complete the required fields (these will vary depending on the gateway provider used)
Click the Next > button.
Select a currency (make sure this aligns with the currency used in your Payment gateway account).
Give the Auth Method a name.
Search and select an existing tag or type a new tag and press enter to create a new tag.
Add Notes if required.
Click Next > button.
The final steps in the creation process are to add a label and instructions as described in Section 4.1, above.
Tip: Once created, the settings for the Auth Method are editable using the tabs. However, the Payment Gateway itself may only be edited using the Payment gateways link under Asset Library.
Assigning an Authentication Method to a Hotspot
Once an Authentication Method has been created, you will be taken to its Assignment tab. Authentication settings for any existing Auth Method can also be accessed at any time by clicking on the line item in the Auth Method List View.
In order to be used, an Auth Method must be assigned to a hotspot. To assign an Auth Method to a hotspot, first click the +Assign button.
Assign an Auth Method to a Hotspot by tag
To assign a Hotspot by tag:
Start typing a tag used on your Hotspots in the Assign by tag field.
Select the required tag when it appears in the dropdown (not shown).
Click the button Assign to all hotspots with tag ‘x’.
Assign an Auth Method to a Hotspot by selection
To assign a Hotspot by selection:
Use the dropdown to search by Hotspot name or tag.
Type a Hotspot name or tag into the search field.
Click the search icon.
Check one or more checkboxes next to the required Hotspot/s.
Tip: An Auth Method can also be assigned to a hotspot from the Device > [hotspot name] > Hotspot settings tab.
Applying Limits and Settings to an Auth Method
The Limits and Settings tab is common to all Encapto Authentication types and is used to set the data upload, download, throughput, and time online limits for each device that uses the Auth Method. In addition, the tab enables control over the label and instructions and allows users to attach a survey to be used in with the Auth Method.
Tip: for Payment gateway Auth Methods, Data limits are set per Plan (see Section 10.4.1, below).
Set End-User Data Limits on an Auth Method
To set the Total Data Limit per user session, click the Limits and Settings tab and click an Edit data limit button in the ACCESS LIMITS panel. Then in the lightbox:
Select Combine upload and download data limit; and
Enter a number in the Data limit field (not shown); and
Select either MB or GB in the Unit field (not shown).
Select Split upload and download data limit.
Enter a number in the Download data limit field.
Select either MB or GB in the Unit field.
Enter a number in the Upload data limit field.
Select either MB or GB in the Unit field.
Set End-User Time Limits on an Authentication Method
Time limits can be applied to end-user sessions on the Limits and settings tab of an Authentication Method. To apply these settings, click an Edit time limit button in the ACCESS LIMITS tab. Then in the lightbox:
Select either Continuous time limit or Split time limit (or leave as Unlimited).
Tip: A continuous time limit will expire when the limit is reached measured from the moment of first login. A split time limit will count only time that the user is connected to the network and may be split over any number of sessions.
Enter a time limit in Days, Hours and Minutes.
Set Upload and Download Data Speed Limits on an Authentication Method
Upload and download data speed limits can be applied to end-user sessions on the Limits and settings tab of an Authentication Method. To apply these settings, click an Edit speed limit button in the ACCESS LIMITS panel. Then in the lightbox:
Select a Download speed limit.
Select an Upload speed limit.
Set a Refresh period for an Authentication Method
The refresh period defines when, if ever, the limits applied to a particular Authentication Method will refresh for an end user. How or whether a refresh period is set will depend on the intent of the Authentication method. For paid or code access for access code methods it is unlikely that a refresh period should be set, whereas for free access via other Auth Method types it will often be useful to refresh the limits after a set period (for example, at the end of the day).
To set a refresh period, click the Advanced settings button on an Auth Method’s Limits and Settings tab and in the lightbox:
Select a refresh period from the dropdown.
Including a Survey in an Authentication Method
Surveys can be added to an Auth Method so that custom questions may be included as part of the login process for individual Auth Methods.
This is useful for example, when network owners may wish to offer the option of connecting via Facebook (and automatically capturing demographic and email data) or using an email address (and collecting the additional demographic data via a survey).
When added to an Auth Method, survey questions appear inline as shown below.
To apply a survey to an Authentication method, click the Change button in the SURVEY panel on the Limits and Settings tab, and in the lightbox:
Search for a Survey by Name or Tag.
Select a survey from the dropdown list.
Define an Asking frequency:
Always ask – end-users need to complete the survey each time they connect.
Ask once only – end-users need to complete the survey just once and on return will not see the survey.
Ask until answered once – end-users will be asked the survey until they have answered each question once (only applies to surveys that have at least one optional question).
Ask once every – requires a time period to be set so that end-users will see the survey once only during each period.
Uncheck the Taking this survey is optional checkbox – individual questions from within the Survey may still be optional – or leave checked to make the whole Survey optional.
Edit Content
The Limits and Settings tab enables the editing of the Label and Instructions, which were set when the Auth Method was created. To edit, click the Edit button and enter text as described in Section 4.1.2.
On end user logon, it is often desirable to perform some kind of action, which will guide the end user’s activity. At present Encapto’s actions include a redirect to a URL on login depending on the device used to access the Wi-Fi.
To set Redirect Actions for an Authentication Method:
Click the Auth Method’s Actions tab.
Click the Change button in the REDIRECT SETTINGS section and in the lightbox:
Set a laptop redirect URL.
Set an iOS redirect URL.
Set an Android redirect URL.
Tip: Encapto is working on several features that will appear in the Actions section of each Authentication Method and will become progressively available in future versions of Cloud Deck. These include directing users based on past behaviour, responses to survey questions and other variables and triggering a variety of different events such as a welcome email, an SMS, or other alert.
On authentication to an Encapto powered Wi-Fi network, Encapto captures a range of data about the end-user, their device and session. Where a social media logon is used, additional information is collected from the social media platform and where surveys are used, information is also recorded from this source.
The data collected in these ways is often considered personal information. It is highly desirable to treat this information with care and to allow end users a degree of control over its use and storage. In some jurisdictions, notably the EU, strong data protection regulations exist which mandate how personal data should be processed (for an overview of the key issues facing Encapto users providing services in the EU, see the Encapto White Paper: Encapto and the GDPR).
The Privacy tab allows network owners to control how data collected via an Auth Method is stored and controlled and to enable end-users access to their information.
Enabling Data Privacy Functions on a Hotspot
Data controls are enabled on each Auth Method (or Survey), but in order to become active, privacy functionality must first be enabled at the hotspot level. This is a simple process involving the application of a special privacy tag to the hotspots where the Auth Method will be used.
Tip: Each privacy tag groups together data collected, and when enabled, presents these data to end-users in an end-user portal. For this reason, a unique privacy tag should be used for each part of the network that has a common Data Controller (usually an organisation). Where Encapto is being used to provide services to multiple organisations, a separate privacy tag should be used for each.
To tag a hotspot with a privacy tag, click Networks in the Nav bar, then on a non-active area of the Hotspot to which the tag will be added, then on the Edit details button. In the lightbox:
Type the name of a new privacy tag and hit enter/return (existing privacy tags will appear in the list and can also be selected here). The new tag will appear as a standard tag above the Tag field.
Click the Edit icon on the new tag (a new Settings lightbox will open).
Select Privacy from the Type dropdown.
Add a description to the tag if desired.
Save (the Settings lightbox will close, and you will be returned to the previous lightbox where the tag will appear in yellow/orange with a privacy icon next to it).
When privacy functionality is enabled on a hotspot, end-users will be presented with a link as part of the authentication process, via which they can access the end-user portal to view and control information about their sessions. Users may also choose to have this link emailed to them for later access. More information on the end-user portal can be found in Section 8.4, below.
Terms of Use for Privacy
In addition to applying Terms of use documents to a hotspot or a survey, Encapto enables network owners to apply privacy specific Terms to both an Auth Method and a Survey. This enables flexibility where the purposes of data collection from different Auth Methods may differ and where you may desire to draw special attention to data privacy related terms.
Terms of use that are assigned to an Auth Method or a Survey will appear in the captive portal as a link to the terms document and a checkbox which must be ticked to complete the authentication process. They will be displayed adjacent to the content to which they are assigned.
Privacy terms are a special case which allow end-users to view information about how personal data will be handled. These do not include a checkbox and should be used in conjunction with a Consent (also created as a terms document – See Section 8.3, below) which explicitly sets out how data will be used and includes a checkbox.
Tip: Network owners should carefully consider whether Terms of Use should be applied at the Hotspot or Auth Method and whether a Privacy Terms is necessary. While we do not provide legal advice, we believe it is sensible to avoid overburdening end-users with multiple terms.
To set a Terms of Use for Privacy on an Auth Method, click the Change button in the TERMS OF USE FOR PRIVACY panel on the Privacy tab. Then, in the lightbox, select a Terms document, and Save.
Configuring a Consent Checkbox
Where data is processed on the basis that an end user has consented to certain uses of the data it is advisable to make that consent clear and transparent. Encapto enables this feature via a special type of terms document, which can be set on an Auth Method as a Consent. When a Consent is set on an Auth Method it appears as a piece of text with a checkbox which the end user is required to tick to complete the login process.
Tip: Consents are recorded against the data collected via the Auth Method. They can be used to demonstrate that the end user consented to use of their personal information in a particular way. End Users are also able to withdraw consents using the End User Privacy Portal as described below.
Consent Terms documents are created in exactly the same way as any other terms document (See the Managing Terms of Use Guide) but should be short and to the point for display in line with the Authentication process as shown in Figure 14, above.
To set a Consent on an Auth Method, click the Change button in the CONSENT panel on the Privacy tab. Then, in the lightbox, select a Terms document, and Save.
End User Privacy Portal
Whenever a hotspot is tagged with a privacy tag, end users will be presented with a link at logon through which they can view, and where enabled, delete or anonymise their personal information. Where data is processed on the basis of their consent, end users may also withdraw that consent.
The end user can choose to access their information directly from the login page by clicking the link, or they can have the link emailed to themselves for later use.
Privacy Portal Login
The End User Privacy Portal operates on either a phone number or email address, which is used as a unique identifier to verify the end user. End users are required to request a one-time login code via that phone or email. The login code is then entered in the portal and all information related to that phone or email for hotspots with the same privacy tag is accessible.
Set Privacy on Collected Data
The PRIVACY TOOLS FOR END USERS panel allows network owners to determine the level of access end-users will have to their own data via the End User Privacy Portal, when the data will expire and what will happen to that data on expiration.
To adjust these settings, click the Change button in the PRIVACY TOOLS FOR END USERS panel and in the lightbox:
Toggle the ability for end users to view information about their sessions via the End User Privacy Portal.
Use the dropdown to select whether users can Anonymise or Delete their data (or leave as Disabled). Note that end users must be able to view sessions before they can manage them, so this option only appears when viewing has been enabled at Step 1.
Toggle the ability for end users to withdraw any consents they have given on personal data use. Again, sessions must be viewable for this option to appear.
Select Anonymise or Delete from the dropdown to automatically remove personal information after a specified period of time or leave disabled to retain data perpetually.
Set a time period after which personal data will be automatically anonymised or deleted (as selected at Step 5).
Tip: To anonymise data, all personally identifiable information is removed from the record and a one-way hash is performed on the MAC address of the user device. Anonymous session data remains in the system for reporting and analytics. Deleted data is completely removed from the system and will affect reporting and analytics. From an end-user perspective, there is no difference between anonymisation and deletion of data. The end user simply removes the data via the End User Privacy Portal, and it is either anonymised or deleted according to the settings chosen above.
Download Data
User data for each Authentication Method can be downloaded for analysis by clicking the Data tab and then clicking the Get started button. When selecting from Payment or Email authentication methods you will also need to specify the following:
For Payment methods choose Session or Payment data.
For Email methods choose Session or Email registration data, registration data can be further separated into verified and unverified email addresses once generated.
Tip: verified Email addresses are those which have been used to complete an Email authentication. Unverified email addresses are those that have been entered by end users, but for which the registration process was not completed.
You will then need to select Start and End dates and times and click Save. Your data will take longer to generate if drawn from multiple hotspots over a broad range of dates. Once the data has been gathered it can be downloaded as a CSV file.
Special Settings
In addition to the common settings and actions that can be applied to all Auth Methods, many Auth Methods have settings that are specific to their type.
The passphrase Authentication method allows any user to access the network using a shared passphrase. The passphrase is configured on creation and can be changed by selecting the Limits and settings tab and clicking the Change button in the PASSPHRASE panel.
Social media login
Social media login enables end users to connect to a hotspot using their Social media credentials. This gives the network owner an insight into who is using the hotspot with reportable and actionable data, usually including an email address and often with demographic information.
Supported social media logins;
- Microsoft Live
Payment gateway
The Payment gateway Auth Method enables the creation of paid access plans with payment being made to the network owner’s verified payment gateway account. Wi-Fi users select their preferred plan, enter credit card details and are charged for access with funds being transferred to a nominated account. Supported Payment gateways are listed in Section 4.4, above.
When deploying paid authentication, it is important to be aware of how Encapto’s pay authentication method works from an end user perspective: the first time a user accesses the system, they will be asked to create an Encapto account by entering username/password and email address.
Once they create an account, Encapto will send an email with account details for future reference and a separate email containing the payment receipt.
Configure an Account Created Email
To configure ACCOUNT CREATED email on a Pay Authentication method, click the Email configuration tab of the Auth Method and the Edit button in the ACCOUNT CREATED panel.
Enter an address from which the email to end-users will come. This should be a dedicated email address for this requirement.
Enter a relevant email Subject line.
Type your email content.
Be sure to include the {{username}} and {{password}} tags in the body of the email. This will be replaced by a unique username and password for each user.
Style the text and add images such as a logo.
Configure Payment Receipt Email
To configure a payment receipt email on a Payment Auth Method, click Edit button in the PAYMENT RECEIPT panel and follow the same steps as described in Section 10.4.1.
In the body of the email be sure to use the following tags:
{{username}} – this will be replaced by the unique username of the end user.
{{purchase_date}} – this will be replaced by the date on which the plan was purchased.
{{plan_name_price}} – this will be replaced by the name and price of the plan purchased.
{{receipt_number}} – this will be replaced by a unique receipt number which can be used for auditing purposes.
Create a Payment Plan
To use a Payment gateway Auth Method, Plans must be set up which define the cost and associated data and time limits for end users. There is no limit to the number of payment plans that may be set on a Payment Auth Method.
To create a Payment plan, click the Plans tab on the Auth Method and then the +Add button in the PLANS panel. In the lightbox:
Enter a name for the Plan (this should reflect the limits that will be associated with the Plan).
Enter a Price in your currency (as selected when the payment.
Enter a Description in the Notes section if required.
Select a colour code to help distinguish between Plans.
The Payment Plan will now appear in the Payment Plan List view.
Setting Payment Plan limits
You can set up as many Plans as you like on each Payment gateway Auth Method. Each plan may have its own pricing, time and download limits, or you can set default limits for the entire Payment plan method.
Plans are added and edited from the Payment plan list where a number of operations can be performed directly. To use the Payment plan list:
Click the Plans tab of the Auth method.
Check the box next to one or more existing Plans and:
Delete the plan(s).
Click on the Name or Price to Edit the plan details including name, price, description and colour coding.
Tip: take care in editing the name, pricing and limits for any plan that has already been used as this may cause confusion when attempting to reconcile session and payment data.
Use the Clear Custom Limits button to have the plan(s) revert to default Limits.
Click any link under DATA LIMIT, SPEED LIMIT or TIME LIMIT to edit that Plan’s Data/Speed/Time limit.
Tip: On creation, all Plan limits will be set to Default, and each link will open a lightbox that enables setting of all limits for the Plan.
Access Codes
The Access Codes Auth Method allows network managers to generate or upload batches of unique access codes which users can enter to access the network.
Code List View
The Code List View shows all Access codes that have been created for an Access Code Auth Method. To access this view, click the Codes tab on the Auth Method and:
Edit the Name, tags and Notes for the Auth Method as set on creation (See Section 4.1.1)
Switch between Active and Disabled code batch lists using the dropdown.
Import Codes from a CSV file with default or custom settings (see Section 10.5.3).
Create a new batch of Codes with default or custom settings (see Section 10.5.2).
Select an existing code batch and:
Delete it;
Clear limits to return limits to the default for the Method;
Clear actions to return redirects to the default for the Method; and
Disable the batch (this can be re-enabled at any time by switching to the Disabled code view – Step 2 – where this button becomes an Enable button).
View how many codes have been used from a particular batch.
Change Data, Time and Speed Limits for a batch of codes (see Section 6 for guidance).
Change Redirect settings for a batch of codes (see Section 7 for guidance – not shown below).
Download a CSV showing which codes have been used and not used (this CSV can also be used to create access cards).
Create New Batch of Codes
To create a new batch of codes for an Access Code Auth Method click the Codes tab on the Auth Method and the +New button and select either Use default settings or Use custom settings (shown in figure).
Enter a Name for the batch.
Enter a prefix to help identify individual codes – this will form part of the code itself.
Enter a number of codes to be created.
Select These codes don’t expire, or These codes expire on the following date; and
Enter an expiry date.
Click the Next button (shown) or Save if using default settings.
Complete Time, Date and Speed Limits (This step need only be completed where Use custom settings was selected – see Section 6 for guidance).
Click the Next button.
Complete Redirect settings (This step need only be completed where Use custom settings was selected – see Section 7 for guidance).
Import Code Batch from CSV
To import a new batch of codes for an Access Code Auth Method click the Codes tab on the Auth Method and the Import button and select either Use default settings or Use custom settings.
Click the Upload CSV button and navigate to the CSV file to be uploaded.
The name of the field will appear to the left of the Upload button.
Enter a Name for the batch.
Select These codes don’t expire, or These codes expire on the following date; and
Select an expiry date from the calendar.
Click the Create button (shown) or the Next button if using custom settings and complete Time, Speed, Data settings (see Section 6 for guidance) and Redirect settings (see Section 7 for guidance).
Tip: CSV files should contain a single column of codes with no header row. Care must be taken to ensure that all codes used on a particular hotspot are unique so as not to create conflicts. Where duplicates exist, codes from previous batches made via CSV will be moved into the new batch.
Viewing an Existing Batch of Codes
To view an existing batch of codes, click on any non-active area of the batch’s line item from the Code List View as described in Section 10.5.1. This will bring up a list of all codes in the batch showing the status of each code and the days on which it has been used.
From here it is possible to:
View the Time, Date and Speed Limits associated with the batch by clicking the Batch limits button (see Section 6 for guidance).
View Redirect settings associated with the batch by clicking Batch actions button (see Section 7 for guidance).
User ID
The User ID authentication method creates specified users for Wi-Fi access using a Username and optional Password. Users are each assigned a group, which has a default set of data and time limits that can be overridden on a per user basis.
To create or edit a set of User IDs:
Click the Groups tab to show groups included in the Auth Method.
Select one or more existing Groups using the checkbox, and:
Delete the Group(s); or
Update the Name, Description and Colour Code for a single Group.
Batch Import User IDs from a CSV of username and passwords by clicking the Import button.
Add Users to any group by clicking the Create user button.
Create a new Group by clicking the Create group button.
Edit all details for a Group by clicking on any non-active area of the Group’s line item.
Edit Data, Speed and Time Limits for a group by clicking on any link under DATA LIMIT, SPEED LIMIT, or TIME LIMIT.
Edit Redirect settings for a group by clicking on a link under REDIRECT.
Create User ID Group
To create a new group, click the Create group button (to create manually) or the Import button and select As a New Group to create a group from a CSV file and:
Click the CSV button and upload a CSV containing Usernames and Passwords (if creating by import).
Tip: Do not use header rows in the CSV.
The name of the selected CSV file will appear to the left of the CSV button (if creating by import).
Give the Group a name for your reference.
Enter a description for the Group (optional).
Select a colour code if desired.
Configure a Group
On creation of a User ID Group, you will be taken to its configuration settings. Or to access a Group’s configuration settings at any time, click on any non-active area of the line item for the Group from the Groups tab. From here, you can:
Edit the group Name, Description and Colour Code.
Set Group Limits (see Section 6 for guidance).
Set Group Actions (see Section 7 for guidance).
Add users to the Group by clicking the Import button and uploading a CSV.
Add an individual user by clicking the New user button.
Tip: Each new user added to the Group will inherit Time and Data settings from the Group, but these can be changed for individual users as described below.
Select a Group Member using the checkbox and:
Delete the User;
Rename the User;
Change the User’s password; or
Clear custom limits
Clear custom actions set for that user (and have them revert to limits and actions that are inherited from the group)
Set individual limits and override group settings for a user by clicking any link under DATA LIMIT, SPEED LIMIT, or TIME LIMIT (see Section 6 for guidance).
Set individual actions and override group settings for a user by clicking the link under REDIRECT SETTINGS (see Section 7 for guidance).
Create or Edit a User
New Users can be added from the User ID Auth Method’s main page (as shown in Section 10.6) or from a Group page as shown in Section 10.6.2. To create or edit a User, click the Create user button from the Groups tab or the New user button from a selected Group and then:
Give the User a Username.
Enter a password for the User if required.
Select a Group to assign them to (if you choose New User from a Group, the user will automatically be assigned to that group).
You can now perform actions and edits on the Users from the Groups tab as described in Section 10.6.2.