Can I conduct surveys over Encapto WiFi?
Yes, Encapto offers fully customisable surveys as a standard authentication method or surveys can be deployed as an option from a WiFi captive portal page. Encapto also offers a range of standard questions such as age, gender, email address.
What user reporting is provided?
Encapto provides the most sophisticated user and system reporting on the market. Data items include time spent online, new and repeat users, upload and download, popular sites, and more. And data from surveys and social media logins can also be viewed for extra demographic insight into your visitors.
What monetization options does Encapto WiFi offer?
Encapto enables you to set up paid WiFi access using unique access codes, which can be printed and sold, credit card access, and allows you to deploy advertising via the Encapto Campaign module. These options can even be used in combination.
What do I need to do to charge for WiFi Access?
If you want to sell access via codes using your own payment system, you’re good to go. Just generate the codes and print them on your favourite stationery. If you want to charge end users via credit card, the minimum you’ll need is a Paypal account. If you’re selling in larger volumes you’ll need to get a merchant account. Encapto integrates seamlessly with a range of payment gateways.
What access methods can I offer my end users?
Encapto offers a range of access methods from simple click to get online to data collection and social media login.
Can I run different access methods at the same time on a single hotspot?
Yes, you can run as many access methods as you wish on a single network. And each authentication method can have its own download, time and rate limits applied so you can give extra speed, data and time online to those special visitors.
Does Encapto WiFi enable social media login?
Yes, we currently enable both facebook and twitter login so you can get your loyal visitors to spread the word about you.